Saturday, July 16, 2011

Britney Spears Takes Over Philly

Two femme fatales will visit Philly in just two weeks and if you want to see Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj, you better grab your tickets.

The two superstars will take the stage at the Wells Fargo Center on July 30.

Fans are in for a quite a show from Brit. Although known for lip-syncing, Perez Hilton said she sings live for parts of the show after watching a preview of the tour last month.

“As a fan, that’s a sign to me that she’s trying, she’s giving, and I love that – that’s what we want.” Perez said in a video blog.

If you have seats close enough, you may even be lucky enough to dance with Britney. The Hollywood Reporter said the singer interacts with some audience members on stage in this tour.

Brit's set list includes some oldies but goodies such as “Baby One More Time," “I’m A Slave 4 U," and “Boys." Most of her Femme Fatale album will be featured in her 90-minute set including her most recent single “I Wanna Go,” according to

Tickets are still available and since there's only a few weeks left until she takes the stage, we suggest you order your tickets now!

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