Tuesday, August 2, 2011

YouTube's newest star: Britney's 3-year-old niece

New Delhi: A YouTube video posted by pop star Britney Spears of her three-year-old niece singing one of her hit songs is a hit on the video sharing website and has made Maddie Briann Aldridge a 'viral star'.
Over one million people endorsed the improvised version of 'Up and Down' sung by Maddie Briann Aldridge, the daughter of Britney's younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears.
It seems little Maddie, who drawls out the lyrics of the song is already following on her aunt's footsteps.

"OMG! Check out my niece Maddie covering Aunt Britney's Up N Down. Sooooo adorable! – Britney," the proud aunt tweeted.
'Up N' Down' is from Spears' latest album, Femme Fatale.
Maddie is the latest and perhaps one of YouTube's youngest stars after Rebecca Black's 'Friday' number became a rage on YouTube attracting spoofs and criticism for her style, tenor and quality.
Black's mother reportedly paid USD 4,000 to have the single and an accompanying music video put out as a vanity release through the record label ARK Music Factory.
Despite going viral on YouTube, 'Friday' was ridiculed by music critics as "the worst song ever."

Source is http://ibnlive.in.com/news/youtubes-newest-star-britneys-3yearold-niece/172455-19.html

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